Why do you support Dakota Pacific’s proposal for a mixed-use development? Please select all that apply.
Provides a substantial number of units of workforce and attainable housing and senior living. These are much-needed housing choices for a range of incomes, needs and lifestyles.
Environmentally minded design that promotes walkability, maximizes and protects open space, uses water-wise landscaping, minimizes parking (with stacked and underground parking rather than acres of asphalt) and connects to the existing trail network surrounding the property.
With existing transit hub adjacent to the property, this is the best place for multifamily affordable housing in Summit County and it’s a catalyst for future road improvements at SR-224, the Kimball Junction interchange, and more transit opportunities potentially including bus rapid transit and aerial transit (gondola).
Creates a true walkable neighborhood with a mix of housing, shops, restaurants, offices, and community amenities and includes space for community events like concerts and farmers markets.
Offers tremendous opportunity to implement the community's vision for a reimagined Kimball Junction that addresses critical issues and connects fragmented elements to create a regional town center with convenient access to current transit and a vision to fully integrate broader future transit system improvements.
Phone Number (Optional)
What is your connection to Kimball Junction? *DISCLAIMER: By submitting this final response, you give permission to Dakota Pacific Real Estate to send an email on your behalf sharing your support for the project and proposed rezoning to local planning commission and council members.
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